Intercambio Ferroviario 2019
Simmons is exhibiting at Railway Interchange 2019, which takes place September 22-25 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. We will be talking wheel truing innovations, wheel set maintenance, and automation systems at booth 3445 as part of Railway Supply Institute’s exhibits.
Brandon Teal (Product Manager, Wheel Truing/Reprofiling) will make two presentations during the event. The first, “Wheel Set Maintenance: Wheel Truing 101,” is part of the RSI Learning Lab series and will take place at 2 PM on Sunday, September 22 in Booth #3058 in the Expo Hall. And then during the RSI Education & Technical Training Conference, Brandon will present the «Innovations in Wheel Set Profile Maintenance” technical paper. That presentation starts at 9:45 AM on Tuesday, September 24 as part of the LMOA (Locomotive Maintenance Officers Association) track.
Railway Interchange es un evento bienal de la industria ferroviaria que incorpora la conferencia técnica AREMA (Asociación Americana de Ingeniería Ferroviaria y Mantenimiento de Vías), la Conferencia de Capacitación Técnica y Educación RSI, y exposiciones organizadas por REMSA (Asociación de Proveedores de Ingeniería Ferroviaria-Mantenimiento), RSSI (Railway Systems Suppliers Inc.), y RSI (Railway Supply Institute). Vea las últimas tecnologías en la industria ferroviaria, aprenda sobre nuevas tendencias e investigación, y conéctese con profesionales ferroviarios de América del Norte e internacionalmente. El evento atrae a 9000 asistentes y presenta cientos de exposiciones de proveedores ferroviarios nacionales e internacionales, así como programas técnicos de una amplia gama de disciplinas ferroviarias.
Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web de Railway Interchange: railwayinterchange.org.