Wheel Production
The NILES-SIMMONS RQ-Series Wheel Machining Centers are precision CNC vertical turning centers for the machining of forged blank railway wheels. A rigid and robust design, the flexible integration of heavy machine tool technology, and automatic tool changing all support optimized wheel production. The RQ-Series machines perform roughing and finishing operations in one machine for a "close-door" machining solution.
Unattended wheel production is possible due to automatic measurement of tools and work pieces working in tandem with various process monitoring systems. The machines are configured to accommodate a variety of manual or automatic work piece loading operations.
The RQ-Series’ modular design combines a high cutting force with high precision machining that can be used for producing all types of railway wheels as well as ring-shaped, difficult-to-cut work pieces from aerospace and bearing industries.
The RQ and RQQ models are available with a single (RQ) or twin turning tool posts (RQQ). The RMC utilizes a turn-milling unit, while the RQMC incorporates a turn-milling unit and single turning tool post for maximum process flexibility.
Contact NSH USA today to discuss which RQ-Series machine is the right fit for your railway wheel manufacturing facility.

live video tours and machine introductions
Take a guided walk through our manufacturing facility to see where our machines are manufactured, assembled, and commissioned without leaving your office or home. Check out the machines that are being constructed and tested. Your host will be available to point out specific items of interest as well as answer your questions.
NSH USA invites current and potential customers to book a live video tour!
We're here to help
The NSH USA Customer Service Center (CSC) is here to support you and your machine. As the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), we are ideally suited to keep your machine productive and operating safely.